Letzte Aktualisierung: 10. Januar 2006
Bartz, Janet (2002): Great Idea, but how do I do it? A practical example of learning object creation using SGML/XML.
http://www.cjlt.ca/content/vol28.3/bartz.html Stand: 08.2005
(In: Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, Volume 28 (3).)
Boyle, Tom (2003): Design principles for authoring dynamic, reusable learning objects.
http://www.ascilite.org.au/ajet/ajet19/boyle.html Stand: 09.2005
(In: Australian Journal of Educational Technology, 19 (1), Seite 46-58.)
CanCore (2004): Guidelines 2.0 Documents.
http://www.cancore.ca/en/guidelines.html Stand: 08.2005
(Beispiele und Hilfe beim Ausfüllen von Metadaten. Autor(inn)en: Dr. Norm Friesen, Sue Fisher, Anthony Roberts.)
CanLOM (2004): Indexer's Guidelines.
http://canlom.telecampus.edu/help/INDEXER-GUIDELINES-Feb2-2004.pdf Stand: 09.2005
(Dokument, wie Lernobjekte in "The Canadian Learning Object MetaData Repository" (CanLOM) zu verschlagworten sind.)
CISCO (2003): Reusable Learning Object Authoring Guidelines: How to Build Modules, Lessons, and Topics.
http://www.cisco.com/application/pdf/en/us/guest/netsol/ns460/c654/cdccont_0900aecd800eb905.pdf Stand: 09.2005
(Whitepaper der Cisco Systems Internet Learning Solutions Group (ILSG).)
Feldstein, Michael (o.J.): How to Design Recyclable Learning Objects.
http://www.elearnmag.org/subpage.cfm?section=tutorials&article=5-1 Stand: 12.2005
FLEX EC (o.J.): Flexible E-Content Guidelines.
http://www.ataoc.ca/files/flexec_docs/FlexEC_guidelines.pdf Stand: 08.2005
FLEX EC (2004): Professional Development Workplan.
http://www.ataoc.ca/default.asp?V_DOC_ID=897 Stand: 08.2005
(Modell, Workshopinhalt, 3 Fallbeispiele)
Hensley, Gordon (2005): Creating a Hybrid College Course: Instructional Design Notes and Recommendations for Beginners.
http://jolt.merlot.org/vol1_no2_hensley.htm Stand: 01.2006
http://jolt.merlot.org/documents/Vol1_No2_hensley.pdf Stand: 01.2006
In: Journal of Online Learning and Teaching (JOLT) Volume 1, Number 2, December 2005.
(Praxiserfahrungen und Hinweise zu der Entwicklung von Blended Learning Kursen.)
Kohnle, Uwe; Sibylle Tuschter (lernmodule.net) (2005): Guideline zur Erstellung von webbasierten Lernmodulen : Grundlagen für Lernmodul-Autoren.
http://www.lernmodule.net/Guideline_Autoren.pdf Stand: 12.2005
LON-CAPA (o.J.): A Guide to Building Your Course.
http://loncapa.msu.edu/faculty/build_course_guide.pdf Stand: 08.2005
Smith, Rachel S. (2004): Guidelines for Authors of Learning Objects.
http://www.nmc.org/guidelines/NMC%20LO%20Guidelines.pdf Stand: 08.2005
Wisc-Online (o.J.): Simple Steps to Building a Great Learning Object.
http://www.wisc-online.com/Info/LODevProc.htm Stand: 08.2005 (Kurzliste)
http://www.wisc-online.com/SimpleSteps.ppt Stand: 08.2005 (PowerPoint-Folien)