Letzte Aktualisierung: 15. August 2005
In den folgenden Publikationen finden sich Abbildungen oder Tabellen zu Lernobjekt-Modellen,
die eine Systematik von Begriffen, abhängig von deren Granularität, zeigen:
Cisco Systems (2001): Reusable Learning Object Strategy v4.0 Cisco.
http://business.cisco.com/servletwl3/FileDownloader/iqprd/86575/86575_kbns.pdf Stand: 08.2005
Cisco Systems (2003): Reusable Learning Object Strategy: Designing and Developing Learning Objects for Multiple Learning Approaches, Cisco.
http://business.cisco.com/servletwl3/FileDownloader/iqprd/104108/104108_kbns.pdf Stand: 08.2005
Fernandes, Emmanuel; Hend Madhour, Sami Miniaoui, Maia Wentland Forte (2005): Phoenix Tool: A Support to Semantic Learning Model.
http://www.win.tue.nl/SW-EL/2005/swel05-icalt05/final/W3-3.pdf Stand: 08.2005
IMS (2003): IMS Learning Design Information Model : Version 1.0 Final Specification.
http://www.imsglobal.org/learningdesign/ldv1p0/imsld_infov1p0.html#1495449 Stand: 08.2005
IMS (2001): IMS Learning Resource Meta-Data Information Model : Version 1.2.1 Final Specification.
http://www.imsglobal.org/metadata/imsmdv1p2p1/imsmd_infov1p2p1.html#1169599 Stand: 08.2005
L'Allier, James J. (1997): Frame of Reference: NETg's Map to Its Products, Their Structures and Core Beliefs.
http://web.archive.org/web/20010712183454/www.netg.com/research/whitepapers/frameref.asp Stand: 08.2005
Löser, Alexander; Marcus Hoffman, Christian Grune (2002): Projekt "New Economy" : Lernobjekte und ihre Metadaten. Technical Report.
http://www.internet-oekonomie.org/Dokumente/PRD/MetaData_New_Eco.pdf Stand: 06.2005
MASIE Center (2003): Making Sense of Learning Specifications & Standards: A Decision Maker's Guide to their Adoption. 2nd Edition.
http://www.masie.com/standards/s3_2nd_edition.pdf Stand: 07.2005
Mayer, Horst O.; Dietmar Treichel (2003): Information Objects, Learning Objects und Knowledge Objects: Versuch einer Begriffseingrenzung.
http://www.tomcom.de/publikationen/artikel/objects-pdf/download Stand: 07.2005
Reusable Learning (2005): Reusable Learning : Matrix.
http://www.reusablelearning.org/index.asp?id=32 Stand: 07.2005
Verbert, Katrien; Erik Duval (2004): Towards a Global Component Architecture for Learning Objects: A Comparative Analysis of Learning Object Content Models.
http://www.cs.kuleuven.ac.be/~hmdb/publications/files/pdfversion/41315.pdf Stand: 08.2005
(In: Cantoni, L.; C. McLoughlin [Hrg.]: Proceedings of the ED-MEDIA 2004 World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications. S. 202-208.)
Wagner, Ellen D. (2002): Steps to Creating a Content Strategy for Your Organization.
http://www.elearningguild.com/pdf/2/102902MGT-H.pdf Stand: 07.2005
(In: eLearning Developers' Journal. eLearning Guild. October 29, 2002.)
© 2005 marc jelitto, marc@evaluieren.de