Letzte Aktualisierung: 11. November 2005
Arvan, Lanny (2005): More on Open Content.
http://guava.cites.uiuc.edu/l-arvan/blog/2005/10/more-on-open-content.html Stand: 10.2005
Budhu, Muniram; Anita Coleman (2002): The Design and Evaluation of Interactivities in a Digital Library.
http://www.dlib.org/dlib/november02/coleman/11coleman.html Stand: 09.2005
http://www.dlib.org/dlib/november02/coleman/fig1.gif Stand: 09.2005 (Grafik)
(In: D-Lib Magazine, Volume 8 Number 11)
Rice University (2004): ConnexionsSM Sharing Knowledge and Building Communities.
http://cnx.rice.edu/aboutus/publications/ConnexionsWhitePaper.pdf Stand: 11.2005
Hodgins, H. Wayne (2004): The Future of Learning Objects.
In: Jack R. Lohmann and Corradini, Michael L. [Hrsg.]: e-Technologies in Engineering Education: Learning Outcomes Providing Future Possibilities. ECI Symposium Series, Volume P1 (2002).
http://services.bepress.com/eci/etechnologies/11/ Stand: 05.2005
Jelitto, Marc (2005): Lernobjekte beim E-Learning : Die Kaffeetafel-Analogie.
http://marcjelitto.de/lernobje/kaffetaf.htm Stand: 09.2005
Koper, Rob (2000): From Change to Renewal: Educational Technology Foundations of Electronic Learning Environments.
http://dspace.learningnetworks.org/handle/1820/38 Stand: 08.2005
Koper, Rob (2004): An Introduction to Learning Design.
In: Koper, Rob; Colin Tattersall [Hrsg.]: Learning Design : A Handbook on Modelling and Delivering Networked Education and Training. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. 3-20.
(Entwurfversion: http://moodle.org/file.php/44/chapter_1/AnIntroductionToLearningDesignChapter1.pdf Stand: 07.2005)
Matkin, Gary W. (2002): Learning Object Repositories: Problems and Promise.
http://www.hewlett.org/NR/rdonlyres/18867B66-5E37-4626-A2CB-EF6544F608C7/0/LearningObject.pdf Stand: 08.2005
Reinmann, Gabi (2005): Das Verschwinden der Bildung in der E-Learning-Diskussion.
Universität Augsburg, Philosophisch-Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Medienpädagogik. Arbeitsbericht 6 (Konzeptpapier).
http://gems.es-designs.com/medienpaedagogik/Arbeitsbericht6.pdf Stand: 07.2005
Shaw, Michael (2003): Contextual and Mutated Learning Objects in the Context of Design, Learning and (Re)use.
http://www.shawmultimedia.com/edtech_oct_03.html Stand: 05.2005
Wiley, David (1999): The Post-LEGO Learning Object.
http://wiley.ed.usu.edu/docs/post-lego.pdf Stand: 07.2005